Tuesday, 29 January 2019


What is E.V.O.L.?
Is it a box of chocolates?
A posy that pickpockets?
Beautiful and aromatic
or allergenic substance
your heart beats crazily for
drives the mind erratic
in invariable inductance
for allergens to keep their score.

Makes you wheeze
existence very wayward
an onion, multilayered
essential oils sting like bees
as every level peels off
salty droplets groove the face
due to its bitterness you quaff
ergo, it shifted to mace.

Undressed bare to the core
the soul sobs evermore
onion peels go bad
faith was not ironclad
petals crumpled by absence
whose weight feeds reluctance
sheets' outlines coloured in drabness.

Lamentable the lone companion
oxidisation of pseudo-stainless feeling
victim fallen for springtime scallion
ephemeral tandem ends in freewheeling.

Lies overloaded, vainly emitted
Lustful oculi vitiate emotion
Lispers orate venereal enmity
Lingering obsessions vitalise erosion
Lucky owners, verity's electricity
Like overarching virtuosity's echo.

Saturday, 26 January 2019


Holding this glass
nervously on hold
foreseeable crash
so skip the prosaic
''Cheers to us!''
''And bottoms up!''
exhaust manifold
line in trochaic.

As an appetiser
dished cold cuts
sipping tranquilliser
wearing a blindfold
alcoholic spike
jackknife alike
a heart flambé
main course sauté.

Miles tailback on the tray
blocked romantic shunpike
lorry on the motorway
its driver lost on a hike
at the wayside a recess
hidden by ivy horseplay
for afters, glace à la fraise.

Spiked drink with poison
words of rejection
mouth spits noisome
vomit befouling refection
prepared with love and care
mandrakes give the answer
to heartbreaking insomnia
film noir projected on the cornea.

Your loyal servant
to a lass observant
blessed be me sommelier
taste buds swim in Montpellier
finest of old wine
for keeps better in time
heady sweet taste
washes down the toxic waste.

Aftertaste of kerbside sewers
malapert acrid connoisseurs
grapes' bunch of false wooers
chipped away at one
wooden heart chopped by hewers
moonshine glasses fire a shotgun.

Not an urge fetishistic
but true love spousal
no craving nihilistic
but true soul arousal
for we are not callow
delete youngsters shallow
replace with conscious people
in lieu thereof
love can be the steeple
whose bells will sound
mutual respect paramount.

Cut me up
and I'll bleed you
no measuring cup
can quantify my affection
you are my elixir
flower me, I lean
- my blinding sun -
to your direction
other perfect fit
for me, none.

What is it for
rivers of alcohol
hiding a shameful tear
behind potion streams
pages of a pamphleteer
sprawling lucid dreams
Shakespearean reworks
melodrama freeze framed
eyes stung by forks
for succubi to be entertained.

Friday, 25 January 2019


God of beginnings and fresh starts
little god living inside an empty house
belongings and decorations sparse
pot on the stove with half-cooked scouse.

Do porridge for obduracy
stew left too long on the burner
New Year's Day boisterous sea
alphabet soup for the slow learner.

A great idea to move out
change your environment
plan and design the bailout
forgo abandonment.

Connived at meeting the deity
ritual is Janus-faced
pretty penny realty
cold turkey leaves a bitter taste.

Reliance on beauty
dependance on the booty
addiction to bootie
and joy powder makes fruity.

Bargaining chips
make a good fist of damage
scrawly hackery scripts
lenience, a wasted bandage.

New Year's resolution
disrupted by head-turner
teaser in retribution
and serious heart murmur.

Chaotic, gasping for air
open to attacks
last year's debonair
under own nonchalance cracks.

Running away, in every way
in circles from your self-shadow
waiting on, wearing a chapeau
the release letter to arrive, apropos.

Irreregardless of your struggle,
new boroughs at ball and chain shuffle
provided your soul is captive
to a pattern ridiculously attractive.

Hemispheres turn like a carousel
sorrow succeeds another
ugly view hard to recover
from a hunger hard to quell.

Maze green with envy
a complex puzzle of the mind
lengthy trial of errors deadly
self-destruction got you in a bind.

Voices in the head
peer pressure got you misled
pretty lies hammered into the ears
new frontiers reduced you to tears.

Playing the victim card
sweet honey the flycatcher
ace of clubs left you retard
habit minimised your stature.

At the impasse of duality
bifrons demon overlooking
past and future finality
and the present without footing.

A bet with yourself to win
do the rounds of your darkest corners
clasp integrity with a safety pin
boxing gloves knocking out disorders.

Enter the ring to bust a lip
throw an uppercut against the heel
wrestling champion with an iron grip
mach punching till demons kneel.

Brick breaking so that walls may fall
answer the all-out pummeling call
and the hall of fame gates will open
new paths paved with gridlocks broken.

Return a living legend back home
to what once felt like a catacomb
then, flyblown place ready to give in
now, championship belt palace within.

Every trophy plate engraving states;
First the soul bids farewell,
postmortem habit goes to hell
hence, fighters crowned champions by fates.